Past Courses

Craft and Conservation of Oriental Books

July 4th 2022 – July 23st 2022


Sherif Afifi, Head of Rare Books Conservation and Restoration at the Library of Alexandria
(Bibliotheca Alexandrina), Egypt.

This 3 week class aims to cover the craft of traditional Islamic and Coptic books and bindings, including
conservation and preservation techniques.
The lessons will be divided into theoretical and practical components, with a stress on the application of
The theoretical component will explore the structure of Oriental books, and their history and evolution in
order to understand a contextually relevant approach to their conservation.
During the practical components, the students will create 2 facsimile bindings (Islamic and Coptic style),
reproducing historical binding techniques and making use of original materials and traditional tools.
The students will also create samples of a variety of oriental endbands.

more info

Experience: Previous conservation experience is not required to apply, but preference may be given to those with some conservation background.

Language of instruction: English.

Capacity: 10 Students.

Cost of program: Eur. 2.000,00 (does not include: airfare to Italy, accommodation, food, required insurance).

Application (closes March 30th 2022):

application format

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Intensive Course on Conservation of XVI Century Leather Archival Bindings

June 6th 2022 – June 18st 2022


Giovanni Pagani

This 2 week class aims to cover the conservation and preservation techniques related to leather archival
bindings, as well as historical knowledge about their craft and evolution.
The lessons will be divided into theoretical and practical components, with a stress on the application of
The theoretical component will explore the structure of the leather archival bindings, their historical
context, and their transformation over time, in order to understand a contextually relevant approach to
their conservation.
Participants will learn conservation methods based on the study of original bindings in order to achieve an accurate philological reconstruction of the missing parts, as well as identification of different kinds of
During the practical component, participants will undertake the completel conservation of one original
archival binding from the Diocesan Archive and Comune Archive of Recanati (thanks to a special agreement with both Institutions). The students will also create examples of a variety of binding parts (overbands, closing systems).

more info

Experience: This is an advanced class aimed at people who already have experience in the field of conservation.

Language of instruction: English.

Capacity: 6 Students.

Cost of program: Eur. 1.000,00 (does not include: airfare to Italy, accommodation, food, required insurance).

Application (closes March 30th 2022):

application format

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Il Bibliotecario Conservatore

Modulo di iscrizione

9-13 December 2019

Tutor: Giovanni Pagani

Language of instruction: Italian

Il bibliotecario/archivista conservatore, figura che deve essere presente in ogni biblioteca/archivio, ha il compito di gestire gli aspetti conservativi del patrimonio custodito all’interno del luogo di conservazione. Il corso mira a fornire il bagaglio di competenze proprie della figura del bibliotecario/archivista conservatore in linea con gli standard europei.

Il corso della durata di 5 giorni, prevede 6 ore di lezione giornaliere (30 ore totali).

Argomenti del corso:

  • Le diverse tipologie librarie e archivistiche (strutture e problemi)
  • Le tipologie di danno – the 10 agents of Deterioration
  • La valutazione dei rischi, la compilazione della scheda di
  • Risk Assessment
  • Teoria del restauro finalizzata al corretto rapporto tra il bibliotecario/conservatore e il restauratore

Il corso prevede la visita alla Biblioteca e all’Archivio Storico della Santa Casa di Loreto dove da dieci anni è in corso un progetto a lungo termine di conservazione e recupero del patrimonio librario e archivistico.

Costo: € 500.00

More information:  Il Bibliotecario Conservatore December 2019

The librarian / archivist conservator is a figure who should always be present in every library or archive. Their role is to manage the conservation aspects of the collection preserved in a dedicated space. The course aims to provide specific skills and competencies required with the European standards.

The course will last 5 days, 6 hours a day with a total of 30 hours.

Subjects covered:

  • Different typologies of books and archival bindings
  • The 10 agents of deterioration
  • Risk assessment and how to fill in the risk assessment form
  • Book conservation theory to develop a proper relationship between the librarian / archivist and the conservator.

The course includes a visit to the Library and Historical Archives of the Holy House of Loreto, where a long-term conservation and recovery project has been carried out.

Cost: € 500.00

Full Immersive Course on 16th Century Archival / Stationery Bindings

Tutor: Giovanni Pagani

2nd – 13th September 2019

Language of instruction: English

Archival bindings, within the wide world of historical structures, are very unique, and must be carefully analyzed to be fully understood. Their creation and use are very different: they were ‘living’ structures, meant to grow (letters, added new sections and parts along many years), and not born as distinct This peculiar nature has inevitably deeply influenced the making of Their craftsmanship. Therefore, they must be respectful and conservation based.

The course, designed with a strong hands-on, practical approach, will explore, through the making facsimiles of historical archival examples, the features of 16th century leather archival bindings. The course will focus on each specific and unique structural feature, such as sewing, ‘tacketing’, ‘overbands / straps’. The workshop will help participants to become familiar with a unique and peculiar set of binding terminology.

More Information – Immersive Archival Binding 2019

Introduction to Book Conservation and Historical Bookbinding

Tutors: Flavio Marzo and Giovanni Pagani

3rd June – 28th June 2019

Language of instruction: English

This course is taught over two 2-week modules. The first module covers Introduction To Book Conservation. The theoretical component includes discussions on books, terminology, structural structure and decorative components, active and passive environmental parameters, risk-based analysis of individual books and collections, and customized storage. The practical component includes making facsimiles of unsupported Islamic-style book-bindings, western style half leather bindings, limp parchment binding, and modern western case binding.

The second 2-week module includes theoretical components of the craft of architecture / stationary bindings, preservation and preventive conservation approaches, and pest and mold identification and intervention. The practical component includes making a facsimile of a full leather archival binding with flap and straps with leather and tackled straps, end-bands, and the execution of different types of conservation enclosures.

To the exercises, both theoretical and practical, supported by the unique opportunity to work with the original historical bindings from the Benedettucci collection The programs are Aimed at preserving professional books, and Those Who, Because of Their careers require better knowledge and insight into the care of books and bound material within libraries, archives or museums. Nowhere else will you find similar workshops that offer the opportunity of full immersion in a conservation / restoration study, as well as an historical library.

More Information – Introduction Historical Bookbinding 2019